铁树开花 【解释】铁树:也叫苏铁,常绿乔木,不常开花。比喻事情非常罕见或极难实现。 【出处】明·王济《君子堂日询手镜》:“吴浙间尝有俗谚云,见事难成,则云须铁树开花。” 【示。
The White Tiger (Chinese: 白虎; pinyin: Báihǔ), is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It is sometimes called the White Tiger of the West (西方白虎; Xīfāng Báihǔ). It represents the west in terms of direction and the autumn season. It is known as Byakko in Japanese, Baekho in Korean, and Bạch Hổ in Vietnamese
铁树开花 意味